Sunday, August 26, 2012


While out at the the Arclight Theatre in Pasadena, CA. the other day, I snapped these pics of some of the key props used in the newly-released stop-motion animated flick, "PARANORMAN." The display included maquettes of two key characters, and Norman's house. The center photo at the top shows the how the models looked in the film as compared to the concept art. Big fun!  


Here's another great shot from the Universal Studios Back Lot Tour. This is a beautiful view of some of the Skull Island miniatures from Peter Jackson's King Kong remake. I'm rather amazed at the quality of this photo as it was taken from a moving vehicle with a mere Android phone.


In another month or so, we get a film reboot of one of my favorite comic franchises, Judge Dredd. This time out it stars Karl Urban, an actor whose work I truly enjoy. Plot seems a bit derivative, but it looks like there's plenty of tasty eye candy to be had.


On a recent trip to Universal Studios Hollywood, I snapped this pic of a place that is near and dear to the cold dead heart of any true monster fan, Frankenstein Square. This is where the pitchfork and torch-bearing villagers mobbed up before they marched on Castle Frankenstein in the 1933 classic, as well as appearing in several other iconic Universal horror films of the era.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Well, the New Millennium has finally caught up with the Ol' Prof., and I am prompted to move some of the content of "Professor Plastik's 13 Tiny Nightmare's" over to this new blog. To take advantage of the flexibility of this format, and to have a little fun with a new medium, I will post the odd bits of news and any items I encounter in my midnight treks through the catacombs that may be of interest to all of you, my fellow freaks and phantasmagorians. I will also use it as a place to announce any updates and changes to the original site, which I plan to maintain as a "net museum," dedicated to all our favorite dark and creepy fun! Enjoy, and come back often!